Hypnosis Live Review

Hypnosis Live






Guaranteed Results


Worth for Money




Life is a wonderful gift bestowed upon us. Have you ever wondered how this precious gift is being frittered away by the majority of people? They simply nag about the trivial contretemps, unmindful of the larger canvass provided to them for weaving their dreams. People often are unable to bear or handle the stress, anxiety, and tension that comes from day-to-day life. In fact, 50% of the people who commit suicide are due to depression. Depression from work, studies, peers, family or love life. Most people get addicted to drinking alcohol and smoking during such extreme circumstances.

Every problem in life has a solution. Keeping a positive attitude and working hard is necessary to lead a happy and stress-free life. Most of the time, speaking your heart out to someone could be the best therapy for all your problems. Studies also show that stress, anxiety, and tension could be relieved through hypnotherapy. During a hypnotic state, a person is more capable of responding to suggestions. Millions of people swear by hypnosis and hypnotherapy as the best practice for self-change. Studies also show that people who opt for hypnosis change three times better than that of a person who opts to change from self-interest.

But, visiting a hypnotherapist can be pretty expensive. Frequent visits to a hypnotherapist might even burn a hole in your pocket. Fortunately for those who can’t afford much or don’t wish to spend too much on hypnotherapists’ have an alternative option. These days, one does not have to visit a hypnotist for hypnotherapy. You have other alternatives to hypnotherapists in the form of self-hypnosis CDs and downloads. But you might again be confused as to which product to select from. This is where Hypnosis Live can lend you a helping hand. To save you the trouble, we are here to review Hypnosis Live. This self-hypnosis product aims to improve your quality of life. They are audio sessions that instill positive, empowering beliefs and thought patterns into your mind, changing the way you act and feel about yourself.

Interesting? Don’t stop reading yet if you want to know more about the product. There is a lot in stock for you if you too are looking forward to a healthy lifestyle and a change of bad habits.


About Hypnosis Live

Hypnosis Live is for anyone who feels stuck in some part of their lives and feels the need for a change. The positive beliefs and thoughts that it instills help you to change the way you think about yourself. It eventually leads you to believe things that were earlier difficult for you to do.

Each session contains easy to follow instructions and lasts up to 30-40 minutes. You can choose from more than 200 self-hypnosis audios covering 9 different categories. Mental skills, Mindset, Emotions, Fear/Worry/Anxiety, Health, Self Growth, Personal Development, Body Improvement, and Sexuality are the 9 main categories provided by Hypnosis Live. Under each category comes a plethora of options to choose from. The instructions have been recorded under the guidance of highly qualified practitioners and therapists which makes it easy for you to understand and follow.

All the downloads for Hypnosis Live have been recorded by Julia-Ann Amos. She is a master NLP and is an expert in conversational hypnosis. Her accent is quite intriguing and is soothing and pleasant to hear on the headphones. She uses the conversational hypnosis technique in the sessions as well. The experience of the session would be like having a conversation with a good friend. The only difference is that you will be having this conversation in your head with Amos.

You can repeat the session as long as you want until you get a positive result. Hypnosis Live is absolutely easy to use and follow. There is no need to worry about having any negative impact or harm on you by using this product.

Hypnosis Live offers mp3 audio sessions that can be downloaded on your MP3 device or any of your gadgets and devices. It is also available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Audible, and several other digital music stores.

How Does Hypnosis Live Work?

Hypnosis Live instills positive beliefs and thought patterns into your mind, making your subconscious mind to change the way you think and feel about yourself. It first takes you down into a deep, relaxing state. Consequently, by using a combination of affirmations, visualizations and special NLP exercises, it helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind, in the most beneficial way possible. For the best results, don’t forget to maintain dedication and consistency throughout till you reach your goals.

hypnosis live video

Benefits Of Hypnosis Live

  • Hypnosis Live is a unique method to reprogram your subconscious mind using advanced technology that induces a state of hypnosis. You can train your mind for willpower and achieve goals when the state of hypnosis is induced.
  • Hypnosis Live helps in increasing focus, attention and clarity of thoughts. It also helps in improving memory power. This self-change product helps you stay confident and motivated throughout.
  • Hypnosis Live is very effective as it is recorded under expert guidance and there are no mistakes or flaws. Also, the mixture of NLP and Hypnosis makes this product exceptionally powerful and has a helpful impact.
  • Compatible with all platforms – Hypnosis Live can be accessed and downloaded from any device or platform. After paying for the product, you can just download and listen to the sessions on any of your devices or MP3 players.
  • Guaranteed Results – Over half a million users have used Hypnosis Live until now and have a positive remark on the product. Most users have stated seeing differences from the beginning of listening to the sessions.
  • Hypnosis Live gives the other self-hypnosis products a run for their money. The advanced technology and the huge options of sessions that this product provides makes it worth the purchase. Also, Hypnosis Live keeps the buyers in an advantageous position by offering amazing offers and discounts if purchased soon.
  • Hypnosis Live offers several aspects of life that can be changed and improved. Be it to boost your self-confidence, or help you in quitting smoking, or to assist you in conquering your fears and get the better of your phobias. It even helps to attain heights in your business.

Pricing, Money Back Guarantee, And Refund Policy

Hypnosis Live is not going to cost you a fortune, unlike other therapies and hypnotherapists. It is very affordable and you have an added advantage if you purchase the product right now.

If you buy the product now, each session will cost you $22.95. You will also receive special discounts on the purchase of multiple sessions in one order. The more sessions you purchase, the more exciting discounts you will be offered. There are also bundle packs available for the users that contain a list of other sessions. Some of the bundle packs available are – The Law of Attraction Hypnosis Bundle, Sharp Mind Hypnosis Bundle, The Multi-millionaire Hypnosis Bundle, Look Great with Hypnosis Bundle, Amazing Public Speaking Hypnosis, Extreme Confidence Hypnosis Bundle and Power Student Hypnosis Bundle. These bundle packs are available at a whopping discounted price of $32.95, instead of its regular price of $91.80.

In case you are not satisfied with the product, you need not worry about your money getting wasted. The company offers a 100% money-back guarantee within just 14 days of your audio purchase. And for the audio CD purchases, you get one month’s time to claim your refund. The company allows only 5 album refunds in a period of 12 months to avoid exploitation of the refund policy.

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Pros of Hypnosis Live

Let us now see the pros of this self-hypnosis product.

  • It is compatible with all platforms. Hypnosis Live is easily available and can be downloaded on any device.
  • Hypnosis Live is affordable and has plenty of options that can help us to change our lives.
  • Listen to any sessions as many times as you want within the comfort of your own home and that too at a fraction of the cost that you would have paid to a qualified hypnotherapist.
  • Hypnosis Live is extremely powerful and provides adequate hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic programming connection improvement.
  • When you leave the session, you have a refreshed state of mind and gain better clarity of things. Hypnosis helps you to improve memory power and gives your mind a positive outlook and attitude.
  • It helps you quit your bad habits and addiction. Hypnosis Live will help you to train your mind to believe what is good and bad for your body.
  • If you are not satisfied with the product, you can simply cancel the product and get your money back within just 2 weeks.

Cons of Hypnosis Live

  • Hypnosis Live is only available online.
  • Needs dedication and consistency to achieve the best results.

The cons of Hypnosis Live are very insignificant and definitely, the pros weigh much more than that of the cons of Hypnosis Live. Let us now check what is the price range of this self-hypnosis product.

Side Effects of Using Hypnosis Live

There are no reported side effects of using Hypnosis Live. Since the sessions are recorded under the expert guidance of practitioners and therapists, nothing can go wrong as long as you follow the instructions correctly. It only demands the users to be relaxed and maintain consistency during the sessions. Hypnosis Live does not control you, hypnotize or lead you into any kind of wrongdoing. It is advised to not listen to these sessions when you are driving, working on any machines or are engaged in some other activities. Also, if you have any psychiatric conditions, it is better to consult your doctor before continuing with the hypnosis.

Customer Reviews

Over half a million users have used Hypnosis Live as of now. Let us see what the users have got to say about this product.

Stephanie – Hypnosis Live is an amazing product! I witnessed huge changes in just a few weeks of using the product. It is very cheap compared to what the professional hypnotherapists charge for their service. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to have a quality life. Just go for it!

Sasha – Earlier, I had trouble sleeping and that caused a huge impact on my daily life. It was then I was suggested about Hypnosis Live by one of my friends. I was very unsure about the product in the beginning. But in just a few uses, I have seen huge changes in my sleep pattern. I now sleep early and wake up fresh. I really love this product and am going to use it every day!

Peter – I have been a chain smoker over the past few years. It was getting really difficult for me to stop the habit which initially began due to peer pressure. I tried a lot of options to quit smoking. And then I learned about Hypnosis Live. At the end of the sessions, I felt the same way as I might feel after a professional NLP session, which would be way too expensive as well. It has brought a lot of changes in my life which was near to impossible until a few months back.

Conclusion – The Final Verdict

Bad habits and a poor lifestyle can take a toll on your health. It is never too late to start taking care of your health. Change your bad lifestyle and habits with the effective method of hypnotherapy but at a low cost. Hypnosis Live is indeed a master key to achieve success and happiness in your life. This self-hypnosis product comes with bundles of sessions on almost every aspect of life. It is definitely worth a try as it is not harmful in any way, and it will also not burn a hole in your pocket. The special offers and discounts on the product make it worth the buy. Also, the users of Hypnosis Live have given a rating of 90 on 100, which makes it highly recommended to use. To summarize, Hypnosis Live is a perfect solution to all your problems.

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