Breathe Green Plug N Pure Review

Breathe Green Plug N Pure




Kills bacteria, viruses & pollutant


Remove Odor


Worth for Money




There are plenty of viruses, bacteria, pollutants, allergens, and other harmful substances all around us. Just because we cannot see them, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how dangerous these small organisms can be for the world. The world has come to a standstill, and it is looking at a global health crisis with no treatment or vaccine available for it now. Even once this is over, there will always be different viruses and pollutants in the air that will cause other diseases and affect our health negatively.

The only way for us to keep ourselves safe is by staying home and keeping our surroundings clean. Even if you dust and sweep your house daily, there are still organisms in the air that you won’t be able to kill in this manner. It is where air purifiers come in. There are many different types and sizes of air purifiers’ available using different technologies. But, one product that has been gaining popularity because of its compact size and powerful performance is the Plug N Pure air purifier manufactured by Breathe Green.

What is Breathe Green Plug N Pure Air Purifier?

World Health Organization has declared air pollution is one of the top risk factors for depleting the health of humans. Even though most people might think that air pollution exists only outdoors, it is not true. What might surprise you is that recent studies show that air pollution is at much higher levels indoors than outdoors. Since we spend most of our time indoors, it is vital to take steps to ensure you are breathing clean air.

Breathe Green Plug N Pure is a portable and plug-in air purifier for indoor use. Unlike other bulky purifiers that take up huge space, this device can fit into even tiny spaces. It helps remove harmful bacteria, viruses, allergens, and pollutants from the air effectively. The device uses activated oxygen technology along with negative ionization to kill harmful viruses, allergens, pollutants, and bad smell in the air.

How Does It Work?

This air purifier is a rectangular shaped air purifier and is the size of a smartphone. It contains a small hollow ring on the top side. When the device is turned on, the ring lights up and also works as a night lamp. The device can be used in three different modes depending on your needs –

  • Mode 1 – Here, the device only works as a night lamp, and the ionizer is turned off.
  • Mode 2 – Here, both the ring light and the ionizer is turned on. The device comes with an in-built motion detector technology. When the device detects any motion, it automatically turns on the ionizer for 30 minutes before it is shut off automatically.
  • Mode 3 – in Mode 3, only the ionizer works without any interruptions.

What are the Features of This Unique Air Purifier?

Even though there are a variety of air purifiers available in the market today, Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier has been able to set itself apart because of its unique features and outstanding performance. Here are some of the top features of this air purifier –

  • Compact Size – If you live in an apartment or a dormitory, you might have to think twice before purchasing any appliance. This device is small, compact, and takes up very little space. It frees up the floor space and allows you to utilize the wall space.
  • Easy to Use – Many devices come with multiple setups that can be hard for many people. But, this device is simple, and all you have to do is plug it to the power and just relax.
  • Noiseless – A lot of air purifiers create a buzzing sound when turned on and can be quite irritating, especially when you are sleeping. This device is quiet, and you will not even know that it is turned on.
  • Excellent Purification of Air – The device uses the latest air cleaning technology and can trap even the minute of dust mites and germs in the air. It also traps pet hair effectively.
  • No Need of Changing Filters – Since the device works on the principle of ionization of particles in the air, there is no need to change the filters.
  • Long-Lasting – Unlike other air purifiers, the device does not contain any metal needles or strips, allowing the device to work without any problem for a long time.

What are the Benefits of Using Breathe Green Plug N Pure Air Purifier?

This air purifier from Breathe Green is a useful product and here are some of the benefits that its users enjoy –

  • This air purifier eliminates all the harmful pollutants, toxins, and other pathogens in your house. You and your family will enjoy breathing fresh air that enhances your well being.
  • Indoor air pollution can cause respiratory problems. Those suffering from such conditions can use the device to create a healthy environment to live in so that these problems can be reduced or eliminated completely.
  • The device starts to work instantly when you plug it into power. It helps give much faster results than other air purifiers.
  • The device uses the latest technology to purify the air in the closed space. It does not utilize any harmful chemicals that can be a cause of concern, or that might harm your health.
  • Air-borne bacteria, viruses, pollen, and other toxins can cause allergies such as skin allergies, cold, cough, and others. Allergies can easily be avoided by using this device every day.
  • The device can help you save a lot of money on medical bills by keeping you fit and healthy. Since the air you breathe in is completely clean, you will have lesser respiratory issues or allergies.
  • Since you will be breathing in clean air every day, your skin will shine, and you will look much younger. The device allows your skin to take in healthy air and prevent it from aging.
  • There is no need for you to spend money on air fresheners as this device allows you to remove the foul smell from the air in your home.
  • The device used the most advanced technology and can cleanse the air in every corner of the room. The device releases oxygen molecules into the air throughout the room and kills the impurities from the air. The devices release negative ions into the air that is quite healthy for humans and pets too.
  • The device is very easy to use by everyone, even older adults without any problem. They do not need any help operating the device, making it an excellent product for aged people too.

Who Is It for?

Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier is an excellent product and comes to your rescue for a number of different reasons. It is an ideal air purifier for you, if –

  • You want the rooms in your house to smell clean and fresh.
  • You have certain areas in your home or other places where foul odor seems to build up over a period of time, such as the laundry room.
  • You smoke cigarettes, and the smell lingers around in the room for long.
  • You have pets at home, and the smell of dog beds and litter boxes bothers you.
  • You hate using room sprays and aerosols in the house because of the chemicals used in them.
  • You suffer from allergies and want to eliminate allergens and pollutants in the air that triggers them.
  • You or any of your family members suffer from low immunity and tend to get sick easily.

How Much Will It Cost You?

You can buy a Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier from the manufacturer’s official website. The original price of the product is $94. The company is offering a 50% discount on all of its products, so it’s the right time for you to invest in it. When you buy more than one purifier, you can enjoy additional savings.

  • Buy 1 Purifier for $47.50
  • Buy 2 Purifiers for $87.54
  • Buy 3 Purifiers for $118.99
  • Buy 4 Purifiers for $152.99
  • Buy 5 Purifiers for $178.49

There are extra shipping and handling charges of $5.99. Also, at the time of writing this review, the company was offering an additional 15% discount over the 50% discount mentioned above.

There is a 60-day money-back guarantee on its products. So, if you are not satisfied with the products, you can return it within 60 days of your purchase, no questions asked. All you have to do is call their customer service number or email them, and they will initiate a return immediately.


  • The device kills germs, bacteria, viruses, pollutants, and other harmful particles from the air.
  • It replaces these particles with fresh and clean air.
  • The device is small and easy to use.
  • It promotes quality sleep as it is noiseless.
  • It promotes well being of the entire family.
  • A high amount of oxygen in the air improves everyone’s mood.
  • The product comes with a 60-day return policy.


  • This air purifier is not suitable for large or open spaces.
  • It is only available in the United States of America and is not shipped internationally at the moment.
  • The product can only be brought from its official page.

Customer Testimonials

Here is what the customers of this air purifier has to say about the product –

“My son low immunity and is prone to viral infections and allergies. I have made multiple trips to the emergency room because of this. During a visit to his pediatrician, she advised me to use the Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier in his room. I immediately ordered one for all the rooms in my house. His infections have dropped considerably, and he is much happier than I have seen him in years. Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier is a must for any family with kids.” – Amelia S.

“My grandfather raised me after my parents died in an accident. I came to live with him as he recently has hip surgery. He developed breathing problems as we live near an industrial township quarter. I was worried that the breathing problem might increase the risk of infections. I consulted with a doctor, and he advised me to use an air purifier. While researching on the internet, I came across an ad of Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier. Within a few days, his breathing issue is gone. I am in love with this small and silent air purifier.” – Thomas P.

Final Verdict

There was a time when trees were abundant, and the pollution was not as much. It allowed us to breathe in fresh and clean air. But, with the rise in population, not only has our natural resources reserves depleting, but natural calamities such as the Amazon forest fire and the Coronavirus epidemic has been on the rise and is affecting our health. It is up to us to come up with solutions and take proper precautions to save ourselves from this adverse effect. Breathe Green Plug N Pure air purifier is one such product that you can use in your home, car, small stores, or even in your office to ensure that you are breathing in the fresh air all the time. It helps keep you safe from allergens and pollutants in the air that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Besides, it also removes the bad odor from the air without the need to continually use air sprays. The device can improve the quality of life and give you and your family a safe environment to breathe in.

This air purifier is a modern solution to a problem faced by all of us every day. If you are worried about your health and the environment you are breathing in; this product is definitely right for you. Its modern and sleek design will ensure that it fits perfectly with the surrounding.